Thursday, December 10, 2009

Speak By. Laurie Halse Anderson

A few weeks before her freshman year of high school, Melinda Sordino and her group of friends are invited to a high school party. There, Melinda gets drunk and meets an upperclassman, Andy Evans, who takes her to a secluded part of the woods and rapes her. She calls 911 and the police break up the party for underage drinking, arresting some of the kids. Numb and alone, Melinda walks miles home to an empty house. She tells no one what happened in the following weeks, and as a result, no one realizes she was raped.
All her friends and the party goers are angry with her for getting them into trouble, and ostracize her once school starts. Desperate for friends, Melinda becomes friendly with a new girl, Heather, who clings to Melinda only to abandon her when she gets the chance to join a popular clique.
As Melinda's depression worsens, she begins to skip school, withdraws from her parents, and aspires to do nothing more than take a nap. She creates a makeshift hide-away in an abandoned janitor's closet at school, where she goes to sleep during the day or hide when she is feeling anxious. Her only solace is art class, taught by Mr. Freeman, who encourages his students to express themselves.
When the school year is almost over, she befriends David Petrakis, her lab partner. When her former best friend, Rachel, begins dating Andy, Melinda feels obligated to tell her about the rape. The response is intense hostility, but eventually Rachel acknowledges the truth and dumps Andy.
As the school year comes to a close, Melinda returns to her janitor's closet to gather some things she left inside it. Andy confronts her, accusing her of fabricating the assault, saying that she consented and is jealous of his relationship with Rachel. When he attempts to physically rape her, she screams, breaking a mirror; she holds a shard of glass up to his neck, saying, "I said no." Fortunately, Melinda's former friend Nicole and the lacrossed team hear her scream from the closet and come to her aid.
On the last day of school, Melinda stays late to finish her art project and finishes the course with an A+. As the student body hears the story and realizes the truth about what happened at the party, Melinda goes from social pariah to something of a hero. Mr. Freeman prompts her to tell him her story, helping Melinda to move past the rape.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Sharks can be found in all the world's seas, from the equator to the polar regions, in shallow as well as deep waters. We are currently aware of about 480 species of sharks, occurring in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some species, labeled benthic, dwell mainly on the seafloor. Others, known as pelagic, spend much of their time navigating the open seas, although they may also be found on the ocean bottom. Some species inhabit rivers and lakes. One important distinguishing feature of sharks is that their skeletons are made of cartilage, while those of most other types of fish are made of bone. Other cartilaginous marine animals include rays, skates, and chimaeras, and they--as well as sharks--are grouped in the class Chondrichthyes. Bony fishes, on the other hand, are placed in the class Osteichthyes. Generally speaking, a shark has a streamlined body with a long, flattened snout, a parabolic mouth on the ventral (lower) side, and eight fins: two pectoral and two pelvic fins, and one each of the first dorsal, second dorsal, anal, and caudal (tail) fins. The upper lobe of the caudal fin is noticeably longer than the lower one. Furthermore, the male's pelvic fins are extended to form a pair of organs called claspers, which are used to impregnate females. The body shape, however, varies according to the way of life of the species. For example, fast-swimming mackerel sharks have a large, conico-cylindrical shape; benthic cat sharks have long, slender bodies; and benthic angel sharks and saw sharks are highly flattened in shape. Hammerhead sharks have unique, rectangular heads

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Doring the WOLD WAR 1 and the ARMY

My inspiriting is the ARMY because
thy are fighting whit IRAQ to win
for the freedom of U.S.A
and to stop the war in IRAQ
and to never happen in 9/11
in NEW YORK and on the
Pentagon in WASHINGTON D.C
whit the terrorist.
The in war 1 it was hard to win
because wi whee fighting
whit FRANCE.

And it is inportat that thy are gifing ther live

in the war and some are inportant to U.S.A

and all the AMERICANS.And some people

die in the war and some times we dount

say tanks for it and if one man is down they

never be left begaing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


One time my cozened herd about LOS ZETAS hi tolled me all about
them hi tell mi that thy are wanted in MEXICO like thy had kidnap
a person two git MONEY and that thy will tell the persons hare
thy are at and two pic them up put when hi whet his son has KILLED
and hi was cry in and i think that thy pay people two pas drugs two
city's like the gangs that are in AUSTIN,TEXAS,HOUSTON,TEXAS
SAN,ANTONIO a tick that thy are wanted on MEXICO and in PIEDRAS,
NEGRAS thy KILLED a police and thy did a drive buy
on the police stacion and on the swat and KILLED persons like mom's
and dad's.

Friday, October 23, 2009

my dog

My dad had pod a dog for my sister and my sitter dentin waned and wanted and it was main
and i name him Junior and now his big and hi was a pit pull and one time hi got in in trope .
My dog was so mad and hi bet my odder dog and my dad built a fence so hi wont bite the odder dog and my dog is happy hen i go visit him.
My dog is mad at my dad and my dad is go int two take him two Ba strop whit my uncle.
Hi got a pit pull and thy git along and hi go ts a horse and why rad him in the Mondays to Friday a tinker that two day wi are go in two is house and play whit is baby
hi is so funny when wi go visit my mom gos and make
good food wi it tamales,mole ,arros and wi tell storeys
of ghost and wi sall a video of ghost and it was so fun on
the Fridays.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The best advice you have ever received

The pest advice is to never give up and to work hard and never gift up.
My mom gave me an advice to never gift up wen I was little boy my mom told me to never gift up because my team in soccer thy wear bad and my dad help me and i help my teem got
beater and we wear competing whit the best team in Dallas Texas.We came out whit are red sorts and are team we ware representing AUSTIN,TEXAS and thy made to much goals and we wear girting more goals it was 14 to 10 my mom was so happy of me and we WON the championship and we are having a party in my house and my friends wear dear and we ware playing soccer and we ware happy of are game.

Friday, October 16, 2009

BIO PEOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cool,fun,and like to party
my dad and brother
me and my brother are happy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I think if you are being bully how wood you friskiest whit out fating and out wedges

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


In the world wear people live one ting is going to change the world if we don't take care of it we are going to kill the world that we live animal and people are going to disappear. But if we change and help the world we are going to have water,food and animals and live more and not use gas and cut the trees ore use and not let oil go to are water and not waist water and kilned the a water and get water wen is rain in.